Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hello World

One of the things I am trying to do is to be more consistent with things I actually love to do. One of them being my drawing, my art. It isn't even so much the painting process, but the sketching. Just me and my moleskine and a Rapidograph pen (my favorite sketching tool!). I uploaded a few sketches from my Moleskine on my other blog: http://funkycoolart.blogspot.com.

I am also working on my Billionaire plan! You know it came from God if it's BIG!

Sunday, October 5, 2008



"Keep your eyes on the Lord until it passes."

That phrase keeps ringing in my eyes as I wander around this place and try to keep my emotions at bay. It seems as though I am being confronted in every aspect of my life. Everyday since that phrase was uttered by our pastor I have had to recall it so that I could stay focused. Some days, several times. It is very hard to do...lol...maybe that is my weakness. Too emotional, too sensitive? But isn't that the make up of most artists? I wonder how I could be an artist if I wasn't an emotional creature? All my work stems from an emotion of some sort. Even when I am in church I am inspired, because something is coming out of me...and in turn it gets put down on paper. Sometimes I feel like God is controlling my hand when I draw/paint. When I sketch in church its usually the case. I feel like I am outside of myself. I just I know I was destined to be an artist because if I wasn't I think I would have exploded by now! This is the life of an artist. I drew this during Friday's revival, it's called "Unclean".

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Peace Finally?

Now that things have calmed down in my household...I have been gearing up to being more faithful in my yoga practice and working out in general. The situation with my little dude was all consuming. It literally drained me. I cried. I wailed and I waited. But more important, I prayed.

So, now we are redirecting our energies towards making this household more peaceful and towards providing my son with the happiest childhood possible. God is good.

But alas, praying is not something that can just be stopped. Someone somewhere always needs a little prayer. So I pray this hedge of protection around my father as well. His white blood count is low. I pray that angels are sent out to protect him from harm and to see him through this particularly rough time.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A New Day

It was a nice Thanksgiving. It was healing in a way because I got to spend time with my family and also was able to give miraculous thanks for my son's health! YESSSSURRR my baby is okay!!

Also, my father's liver cancer has gone into remission. Now we need to start concentrating our prayers on his lung cancer, which hasn't grown a whole lot, but its still rearing its ugly head. Keep praying healing.


Sunday, November 18, 2007


You have not brought me down!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bad Day

Today is a bad day. I cannot concentrate. My spirit is in another place right now. My heart is with my baby. I cannot think outside him right now.

Be good little man, I pray a hedge of protection around you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Best Friend

I have lost my best friend.